Wednesday, January 5, 2011



At the start of a new year we all look back at what we've accomplished in the past one; how we've learned, lived, loved and perhaps lost. In retrospect, all these things make for a stronger and bolder year ahead for myself and daughter. I have loved and lost with no regret. I'm sure we have all been in that situation before and it hurts. But loving and losing the same person over and over? It takes guts to get out of that and say I'm worth more than that, and that other person needs some serious mental assessments :) 2011 has already started off with a bit of the crazies, but I hope this makes way for my return to my blog and all other things me.

We can't forget who we are, or get lost in other people.

On other notes, going to school for business marketing is a huge leap from my creative days! I'm looking forward to exploring a new field as well as making new acquaintances :)

Happy 2011 Everyone!

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